Our daily lives have been changed!  As of March 20, 2020 the Goshen County Courthouse doors are locked.  The public is not allowed in the Courthouse at this time. However, inside the Courthouse the various County offices continue to conduct business.   Each office is handling business accordingly.

Taped to the windows of each of the entrances to the Courthouse are phone numbers for each office.  If you come to the Courthouse, please call the number of whichever office is needed for business and a representative from that office will provide further directions.

Victim Assistance continues to serve victims of all crimes–adapting and being flexible to any protection changes from COVID-19. We still open cases, contact victims through phone calls, write letters, attend court hearings. Many of our current cases have been rescheduled for a month or so out.  As usual victims have been or will be notified of any court date changes in their cases.

According to the Wyoming Victims’ Bill of Rights it is the right of victims of a crime to attend court hearings in their cases.  The Circuit Court’s current system for victims is to call the Court at 307-532-2938 and request an invitation to attend the Circuit Court hearing by phone.  The Court will provide a phone number and an ID number to join the Team Meeting.  Victims then call that number, sign in with ID#, and then are placed in the hearing to listen only.

For District Court: Victims notify Victim Assistance of wanting to attend the hearing.  Victim Assistance then contacts District Court verifying the names of the victims. The Court will provide a phone number and an ID number to join the Team Meeting.  Victims then call that number, sign in with ID#, and then are placed in the hearing to listen only.

Victim Assistance advocates follow the same process for representing victims in both Courts. We will be listening from the Victim Assistance Office.  As a reminder:  Please mute your phone after joining any hearing.

The Torrington City Court hearings are suspended.  Rescheduled cases will be given a new date after May 4, 2020.

Be Kind to Yourself and Others. Take It One Day at a Time.

We’re in This Together!     Never Give Up!